Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Videos, Videos, & More Videos

It's been a little while since I've posted a video... so here are four for your viewing pleasure ;)

Kaelan looooooves his walker that his Great-Gamma bought him.  He has taken to running around the house with his arms outstretched ramming into things. His favorite is the animal's water bowl in the kitchen - it's nice and shiny.  He also likes to grab all the dish towels off the oven or dishwasher handle and he enjoys chasing Sully.  Essentially, he loves to wreak havoc wherever he goes.

We have started the bad habit of letting Kaelan play with the light pulls.  He has a ball and squeals with delight when the lights turn on and off.  The video below is the last minute or two of about a 5 minute session of him just turning the lights on and off.  Over and over and over and.. you get the point.

Trying to get him used to footballs, given that he'll be the A&M quarterback one day.  We still have a lot to work on - his favorite part is when you drop the football.  ;)  That's not okay, but no worries... Daddy will teach him the ways of the game.

This is a random, very long, video of us playing with Kaelan in our room about 2 weeks ago.  He is regularly pulling up on the baby gate now (and anything else he can pull up on!!) but we weren't able to get a video of it this time.  The video is 5 minutes long, so beware.


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