Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kaelan's First Birthday Party!

We had Kaelan's First Birthday Party the Saturday after Thanksgiving and although it was a lot of work, it was SO worth it and it was so much fun!  The theme was "Nautical" and we're so blessed so many people came out to celebrate with Captain Kaelan.  "Our" photographer came to take photos of the event so Nick and I did not have to run around with cameras.  Let me tell you what a weight lifted off of us that was!  I'm a picture freak so it was nice not worrying about getting the right shot in the right lighting.  Crystal Lynn ~ Photographer did SUCH an awesome job and we were so happy to have her there.  All of the photos below were taken by her.  Let me warn you - I had a hard time whittling these down so beware... and Enjoy! :)

The Kaelan sign and captain's wheel were stolen from Kaelan's nursery ;)

Our "family" high chair from the 1940s. It was originally my mom's and has been used by every baby (myself included) on her side of the family. So glad we were able to use it for Kaelan's party.

The party hat and high-chair banner were made by my friend, Sarah. She has an awesome Etsy and Facebook boutique - Tut!s Boutique

Nick hand painted this to match Kaelan's birthday shirt :)

Happy Birthday banner I made using foam letters and scrapbook paper

Origami sailboat (courtesy of Nick and me) mobile

Life preserver wreath I made... this was a lot of fun to make and it's currently hanging on Kaelan's bedroom door :)

Dining room decorations

Party favors - sailboat and anchor rice crispie treats!

Before you ask yourself what's wrong with this picture, yes... Kaelan's name was misspelled.  I was in such a rush, I didn't even notice it when I picked it up and to be honest, the cake tasted so good, I didn't mind ALL that much. It was seriously the best cake I've ever tasted.

Banner I had made to mimic his invitation

Lifesaver Life Preserver Napkin Rings... these were pretty time consuming to do but I was pleased with the overall effect

Birthday kisses from Miss Emma

Birthday Boy!

Always happy with a beer bottle!

Best Buds :)

With Uncle Brent!

And the grandmas!

Here are a few random pics from the party...

Cake Smash!

He HATED it!

"No More!!"

All cleaned up and all smiles again

Again, with the beer bottle!

Uh oh!!

Time to open presents! 

With the Great Grandmas!

Some of his festive aunts :)


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